What is SEO?

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the practice of increasing the quantity and quality of traffic to your website through organic search engine results.

The goal of SEO is to get a web page high search engine ranking. The better a web page's search engine optimization, the higher a ranking it will achieve in search result listings.


First place is everything!

If you are interested in succeeding online, an organic search engine optimisation (SEO) strategy is essential. It remains the most important component of any business’ branding efforts, online presence and complements any existing dental marketing.

With the best will in the world (and the best website for that matter) if you fall outside of the first few Google results, your website will not be seen. It is our job to put your website in front of potential patients who are actively searching for dental services in your area.

When it comes to SEO, there is no quick win. Building a healthy content profile – spread out over months and years – is the very best way to maintain a high-performing, sustainable search engine presence.

Working exclusively with the dental profession is especially valuable when it comes to SEO. Unlike other SEO companies, we have years of historical data to base our ever-evolving techniques upon, delivering many hundreds of first place rankings to our customers.

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Your website needs traffic!

Running an effective search engine optimisation campaign for a website is extremely time-consuming and it requires specialist knowledge of the ever changing ranking factors that the major search engines use in order for a website to display in the search results. Dental Vine has  years of SEO and Dental Marketing experience focusing and catering specifically for Dental Practices – we have the expertise and the required knowledge to run the SEO campaign for your website and get it ranking highly.



http://www.google.com/howgoogleworks | The life span of a Google query is less then 1/2 second, and involves quite a few steps before you see the most relevant results. Here's how it all works.